5 Benefits of Extended Reality in Training
5 Benefits of Extended Reality in Training

With its immersive nature, XR-based training offers advantages such as increased engagement and high knowledge retention compared to the alternative self-training methods involving static manuals and websites. With the incorporation of XR in this process, training can be given in a more immersive and efficient way. The technology speeds up the training of new staff significantly by facilitating remote support from experts or sharing the knowledge of other employees.
The use of Extended Reality for corporate training provides many industries with great advantages and benefits. To show you the potential, we have listed 5 benefits of Extended Reality in corporate training below.
5 Benefits of Extended Reality in Training
1. Increased user engagement
Extended Reality’s ability to create highly immersive experiences makes it one of the most effective training methods available. Training outcomes are hugely affected by the engagement of the candidates. XR can boost this engagement by using its immersive training environment. The interactive nature brings the learning materials to life, creating an engaging teaching method. With the use of built-in gamification, trainees can learn important tasks in a fun and immersive way. When the trainees are more engaged and interested, it also leads to better knowledge retention.
2. Higher knowledge retention
Higher engagement levels typically lead to higher retention levels. With Extended Reality, learners pay more attention to what they are learning, which results in them remembering the materials more effectively. After an Extended Reality experience, the memory retention levels are higher than after viewing videos or text-based learning materials. This is due to the increased multi-sensory and emotional input that Extended Reality delivers its users.
3. Reduced (operational) costs
The training of employees often requires them to travel to training locations. By using Extended Reality, trainees can train in their environment without having to travel to an external location. However, not only the do trainees have to travel to the training location; equipment does as well. The transportation of (heavy) equipment can be eliminated when using an Extended Reality solution for training. Besides the elimination of traveling and transportation costs, the costs of trainers can also be reduced. Trainers themselves can be part of the XR program, and they do not have to be hired every training session, which reduces the faculty costs.
4. Train as often as necessary
To learn new skills or gain new knowledge, trainees must get familiar with the materials. Multiple training sessions are often required to regain familiarity. In Extended Reality, it is possible to train as often as necessary, while maintaining low costs. In addition, with the use of interactive training methods instead of manuals and videos, employees can experience, learn, and make mistakes through repetition. This is most of the time impossible in the real world as it would be a costly or even risky method. The technology makes it easier for employees to experiment with the new processes and systems before they are going to be implemented leading to continuous innovation.
5. Training in a safe environment
Extended Reality offers trainees a safe and realistic training environment. Where the technology costs, risks of injury, and costly damages to equipment can be eliminated. Extended Reality training provides trainees with safe experiences of scenarios. In addition, the trainees can practice these scenarios as often as they need to feel prepared and confident enough to perform the task in real life. The interactive training method lets students make mistakes without consequences to real-world equipment.
In short, Extended Reality training provides a cost-effective method to train big groups of people within a virtual environment. The interactive and immersive training method enables trainers to deliver a large quantity of information in a visually appealing way. This can be achieved while minimizing the need for training courses that involve expensive training equipment. Training within an Extended Reality environment will significantly improve many factors, such as knowledge retention levels, user engagement, cost-effectiveness, and job performance. All of this while also providing a safe training environment.